
At the airport  機場

問句 翻譯
May I reserve a seat? 請問我可以預訂一個機位嗎?
May I reconfirm my plane reservation? 請問我可以確認我的機位嗎?
How much is an economy seat, round- trip ticket to L.A.?(英式英文用return ticket) 一張飛往洛杉磯的經濟艙來回機票是多少錢呢?
What time do you start check-in? 何時開始登記呢?
What time is the boarding time? 何時開始登機呢?
Where is gate No.6? 6號登機門在哪裡呢?
May I have an aisle seat? 我可以選擇靠走道的位置嗎?

Key Words
arrival/到達       departure/離開        delay/延遲    baggage/行李
duty free/免稅    boarding pass card/登機證   male/female 男性/女性
last name/姓      first name/名字        date of birth/生日
nationality/國籍    transit passenger/轉機旅客       passport/護照

On the plane  飛機上


問句 翻譯
How long does it take to fly to New York? 飛到紐約需要多久呢?
What kind of meal do you serve? 你們提供哪種餐點呢?
May I have something to drink? 我可以要些喝的嗎?
May I have some medicine for airsickness? 我可以要一些暈機藥嗎?

Key Words
aisle seat/靠走道位置     window seat/靠窗位置     immigration/海關
destination/目的地       flight number/班機號碼     non-stop/直飛

Asking directions  問路

問句 翻譯
Excuse me! How can I get to the
train station?
We are lost, can you show us the way to tourist information? 我們迷路了,你能告訴我們該怎麼去旅客諮詢中心嗎?
Should I make a right turn at the corner? 我需要在那個轉角處右轉嗎?
How far is it to the park from here? 那個公園距離這裡有多遠呢?

Key Words
bus station /公車站     tourist information /旅客諮詢中心
make a left turn/左轉   make a right turn/右轉      go straight/直走
lost luggage office/行李遺失申報處

Transportation  關於交通

問句 翻譯
Is there a subway station near here? 這附近有地下鐵車站嗎?
How much is the fare for the bus ride? 撘公車要多少錢呢?
Where can I get a bus schedule? 我應該到哪裡拿公車時刻表呢?
Will I need a transfer? 我需要轉車嗎?
Does the train go to Boston? 這是到波士頓的火車嗎?

Key Words
transfer/轉車        subway/地下鐵       schedule/時刻表
train/火車           platform/月台        fare/車資

How to order  如何點餐

問句 翻譯
I would like a big cheese burger and fries, please! 我想要一個吉士漢堡和薯條。
I’d like a combo no.2, to go, please. 我要外帶一份2號餐,謝謝!
May I order now? 我可以點餐了嗎?
What is today’s special? 今日特餐是什麼?
May I have the same meal as that person? 我可以點一份和那個人一樣的餐點嗎?
We want separate checks, please! 我們要分開付帳,謝謝!
I am full. 我吃飽了。
Dinner is on me. 晚餐我請客!
Check, please. 買單,謝謝。
Key Words
menu/ 菜單   Caesar Salad/凱薩沙拉   Mixed Green Salad /綜合沙拉
breakfast/早餐    lunch/午餐     dinner/晚餐    midnight snack/宵夜
juice/果汁    beer/啤酒   green tea/綠茶   black tea with milk/ 奶茶
ketchup/蕃茄醬   soup/湯     main course(entrée)/主菜

☀中國人常常透過請人吃飯表達善意,不過,大部分的外國人習慣各自付帳(go dutch),當和外國朋友一起用餐時,除非事先說好,可別搶著付帳(My treat!),這會讓他們很尷尬哩!
☀ Don’t forget the tip! 到餐廳用完餐後,別忘了給小費!小費的給法大約是消費金額(amount)的15%。

Hotel 住飯店


問句 回答
Do you know where the nearest Y.M.C.A is? 你知道最近的Y.M.C.A在哪兒呢?
Do you have any vacancies for tonight? 請問今晚有空房間嗎?
I’d like a single room. 我要一個單人房。
I will stay here for 5 nights. 我會停留5個晚上。
How much is the room rate per night? 一晚的房價是多少呢?
Do you offer a discount? 你們有提供折扣嗎?
May I have a morning call? 明早可以叫我起床嗎?
The hair dryer is out of order. 吹風機壞掉了。
What time should I check-out? 我幾時應該退房呢?

Key Words
elevator/電梯     exit/逃生口      laundry/洗衣房      lobby/大廳
shampoo/洗髮精   towel/毛巾       toilet paper/衛生紙  razor/刮鬍刀
blanket/ 毯子     tax/稅金         service charge/服務費
out of order/器具壞了

Go to hospital  生病怎麼辦?

問句 回答
What’s wrong with you? 你怎麼了?
I don’t feel well. 我覺得不舒服。
I have a cold. 我感冒了。
I’ve thrown up twice last night. 我昨晚吐了2次。
I think that I’ve got a blister. 我想我的腳起水泡了。
My back hurts. 我的背部受傷了。
Where can I get some pain killers? 我要到哪裡拿止痛劑?
Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的醫院在哪裡?
Is there anyone here who speaks Chinese? 這裡有誰會說中文嗎?
Get well soon. 祝你早日康復。

Key Words
fever/發燒   sick /生病   stomachache /胃痛  intestinal infection/腸胃炎
running nose/流鼻水  sore throat/喉嚨痛    toothache/牙痛
dizzy/頭暈           food poisoning/食物時中毒  skin rash/長痱子

☀部分國家是醫藥分業,因此當你到這些國家的醫院(medical center)或診所(clinic)看病後,還得拿著醫生的處方籤(prescription)到藥局(pharmacy)拿藥!
☀ 出國前記得先保醫療險(insurance),不然超貴的醫療費用會讓你病情加重,看完病記得保留收據,才可以申請保險理賠喔!

Sightseeing  觀光去

問句 回答
May I have a map of the city? 請問有這個城市的地圖嗎?
Where does the bus tour go? 這個公車旅行團要去哪裡?
How much is the admission to the museum? 博物館的門票是多少錢呢?
What is playing at the theater tonight? 這個戲院今晚上演什麼戲碼?
I would like to buy some film. 我想去買些底片。
Would you please take a picture for me? 可以請你幫我拍照嗎?
I want to have this film developed. 我想要去洗相片。

Key Words
fee/費用     map/地圖   film /底片   historic sites/歷史景點

Communications  通訊事務

問句 回答
I would like to make a long distance call? 我想要打長途電話。
May I speak to John? 請問John在嗎?
May I leave a message for him? 我可以留言給他嗎?
I want to make a collect call. 我要打一個對方付費的電話。
May I have some change for the phone? 我可以換些零錢打電話嗎?
Where is the nearest cyber café? 最近的網咖在哪裡?
How can I access my e-mail account? 我要怎樣進入我的電子郵件帳戶呢?

Key Words
cyber cafe/網咖     make a phone call/打電話      telephone card/電話卡

Shopping  賣擱比呀,『雪拼』去!

問句 回答
Where is the best shopping mall in the city? 這個城市最有好的購物中心在哪裡呢?
Is the skirt on sale? 這件裙子有打折嗎?
I’m looking for a turtle neck sweater. 我正在找一件高領的毛衣。
May I try them on? 我可以試穿嗎?
May I have a refund on this? 可以退費嗎?
Do you have size extra large/ large/ medium /small? 你有特大/大/中/小號的尺寸嗎?
The price is not negotiable. 這是不二價。
All sales are final. 貨既出門,概不退換。
Will this be cash or charge? 付現金還是刷卡呢?

Key Words
shopping mall/購物中心     bargain/討價還價   expensive/昂貴的
cheap/便宜的    color/顏色    size/尺寸     gift wrap/禮物包裝
stylish/時髦的   fitting room/試衣間

☀一般來說,在國外退換貨手續並不複雜,只要保留你的收據(receipt),保留包裝,在一定時間內皆可換貨(exchange)或退費(refund),也有換同質貨品的方式(store credit)。